Pamela McAlexander,
Energy Vibration Coach, Reiki Master, Shaman, Holistic Practitioner
My name is Pamela McAlexander and I too, am one of the co-creators of this experience you are about to embark on - your Journey into Joy. I am the founder of Tri-Holistic Healthy Healing, an Energy Vibration Coach and a Holistic Practitioner. I'm here with a message for you today: Are you playing small? Well it's time to dream big! Why put your happiness on hold when you can be Living it NOW!
I'm here to teach you how to be able to balance your mind, body, and spirit so that you can experience optimal health and overall well-being. Sometimes this is difficult because people have issues stuck in their energy vibrations, and this prevents them from moving forward and in the direction that they wish to go in. Being an Energy Vibration Coach and Holistic Practitioner, I work with you where together, we co-create to identify what those issues are, how to move beyond them and change your energy vibration in a way that will attract what you truly want in your life.
Energy vibration is a part of life, mine, yours, and ours. This is not rocket science, it;s our world and we don't even realize the magnitude of it all. My contribution to your Journey into Joy will involve encouraging you to DREAM BIG! One piece of this is helping you to recognize where you're vibrating and why you're bringing the kinds of things into your life. I encourage you to confidently take the steps forward to raising your vibration and bringing about more of what you really want in your life, and showing you how, with proven techniques that work.
Being a part of this experience will be life changing for you, and the more you participate in what we have to offer, the bigger the impact it will have on your life. You're not on this journey alone - we're here to educate you, guide you, basically walk beside you! So welcome and I look forward to working with you on your Journey into Joy!
Connect with me on social media:
" In working with Pam as a Life Coach, her expression "putting your happiness on hold" was a HUGE lesson for me. I never looked at things that way. I looked to her for the motherly compassion and encouragement to confidently take my steps forward with the assistance of her being able to see through the crap around me that I am too close to. She always nailed it!" JG, New Jersey
Pam's Specialties
Intuitive Coaching
Reiki and Chakra Energy Healing
Shamanic Healing
Crystal Therapy
Moon Phase Energy
See more on my website at:
Please fill out this to set up your own healing session and get started on your journey into your best life!

Reiki Healing
Pamela is a Reiki Master/Teacher in the USUI SHIKI RYOHO method of natural healing, and received this final level of certification in May of 2012. She is also a Certified Crystal Healer through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. Her sessions can be done sitting, laying down, or even long distance. If it is felt that the use of crystals are needed during the session, she will incorporate them into the healing work being done as well. The longer the session, the more in depth she can go. Should anything come up during the session, questions will be asked for further clarification, as well as any messages that may come through for your benefit.
You can take advantage of a 30 minute session for $30.00 or a 1 hour session for $75.00.

Chakra Balancing
Pamela focuses her energy work on bringing balance to the mind, body, and spirit. Understanding the Chakra Energy Centers within the body enables Pamela to work on identifying imbalances within her clients Chakra Energy Centers. There is energy work done, through the use of Reiki and crystals specifically for the balancing of those Chakra's that are out of alignment. Pamela will also ask specific questions when something comes up to help you to identify and heal those areas of concern. The focus with this type of session is to bring balance throughout your body, with an understanding that Pamela's approach to dis-ease within the body begins from an emotional perspective, and by helping you to identify, rise above (when you're ready), which will ultimately lead to you being able to heal yourself at that level.
You can take advantage of a 30 minute session for $30.00 or a 1 hour session for $75.00.

One-on-One Shift Your Energy Vibration Coaching
This is a 60-75 minute session that will focus on 1 aspect of your life (which you'll want to identify at the time you get on the schedule). You can choose from Relationships, to Health and Well-Being, to Job/Career, to Prosperity. During this session we will focus on 1 of those 4 topics specifically. Be prepared to go deeply into your life with Pamela so that she can help you to identify when this all began and help you to transition from that point to where you'd like to be. Generally when working with her clients, Pamela would cover all 4 topics over the course of 8 sessions (depending on need) with 2 sessions per topic for the purposes of identifying and them ultimately implementing what you learned as a follow up/follow through on each topic. If you would like to take advantage of a full 8 sessions with Pamela outside of this retreat, a package deal will be offered as part of the participation of the retreat, which will be dramatically reduced from its normal cost.
You can take advantage of your 60-75 minute session during the retreat for only $75.00.

Shamanic Journey
With the use of trance music that utilizes a combination of shamanic drumming, native flutes, ancient Lakota chants, sounds from nature, and crystal bowls, Pamela will take you on your Shamanic Journey. This will be a journey through the 4 directions and 4 worlds. Consider this a form of mediation to help guide you on your journey into discovering your own inner peace. From the East, you will be awakened in your dream body. From the south, you will meet your spirit animal. From the west you will receive the sun's blessing. And from the north you will be renewed in the upper world.
For your comfort, a pillow and a light blanket will be helpful as you lie down for this journey. A journal and pen will be helpful to make notes upon completion of the journey (don't worry, there will be things you remember, even if you think you'll fall asleep for it). Since you'll have an opportunity to meet your spirit animal while on this journey, Pamela will be able to let you know the message that comes from your spirit animal to you. It will be a total of 90 minutes, which will give you about 15-20 minutes of writing in your journal upon completion. To take advantage of this offering, the cost is $20.00 in a group setting or a regular one hour session for $75.00 and you must register for it in advance