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Retreat Sign-up

Recap of Investment in yourself:

LODGING RATE: $650 includes lodging and all meals and snacks. Also includes one hour healing session of your choice. This rate is for a shared room with 1 roommate. 


LOCALS RATE: Already have a place to sleep on LBI? Pay just $400 for the weekend activities without lodging or food. Can add a food voucher for $25/day. Does not include a healing session. Discounted session is available upon request.


REMOTE RETREAT: We will also be streaming live through facebook so you can participate in some of the activities from the comfort of your home. Your rate for the remote retreat is $200.  




SPECIAL OFFER:  get a FREE FOOD VOUCHER when you pay the LOCAL rate or get an additional HEALING SESSION when you pay for lodging. PLUS  get all 3 FREE BONUS Gifts.

Sign up NOW by clicking the following.   Pay in Full or choose installment plan below. CLICK HERE TO GO  BACK TO EVENTS PAGE AND VIEW MORE INFO ABOUT THE RETREAT


Retreat with lodging (sharing room with 1 person): $650




Retreat w/o lodging: $400




Remote retreat: $200





Pay in installments


Retreat with lodging (sharing room with 1 person): $200 deposit, additional payment of $450 due by Wednesday January 25th



Retreat w/o lodging: $200 deposit, 1 additional payment of $200 due by Wednesday January 25th





Remote Retreat: $100 deposit, 1 additional payment of $100 due by Wednesday January 25th





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